Since when Windows CodeName Longhorn 4074 was released enthusiasts have found a lot of goodies, some of which, were Broken or were missing data.
Microsoft’s Post-It-type application is StickyNotes, whose files can be found in %WinDir%//Microsoft.Net//Windows//v6.0.4030//, one of the folder, which contains most of the goodies. The problem was, that a file of StickyNotes’, StickyNoteBubble.Dll, was missing, which made the available files useless.
The Annotations Framework, used by StickyNotes, supports several different storage options for saving annotation data — either as XML data in a text file, within a Microsoft® Windows® File System, code-named “WinFS” file store, within a compound document file, or through an XML stream.
In 4074, StickyNotes use Xml File Store, opened in a text editor, the .stickynote file is very similar to the Xaml documents. Non-text data, Audio streams or ink, is stored as Base64 encoded string. Every single Sticky Note can be attached to an “Annotations-enabled” Xaml element, resized, or even collapsed. In addition, a StickyNote tile can be added to the Sidebar, which, unfortunately, in 4074 only works partially.
StickyNote.exe works using arguments after its file name, here a list of the commands you can use it with:
1) /new — Creates a new sticky
2) /pos %X_pos %Y_pos %FilePathToTheNewSticky — Creates a new sticky, at specified screen position. This is most used to Create annotations in Xaml forms.
3) /showall — Starts all available Sticky Notes in %USEPROFILE%//My Documents//My Notes//Sticky Notes, the most common store for sticky notes files.
4) /HideAll — *Should* hide all opened notes, but in fact, it seems this doesn't work